Assignment: Find 25 old photos of Lincoln and take 25 contemporary photos
Craft: To find the photos of Lincoln I went online and searched google images, went on wikipedia, and searched websites about Lincoln. When looking for the images it was important to look at the extra large images with higher quality and to find various shots of Lincoln. I also found other images pertaining to Lincoln such as photos from the civil war era. Then I used my digital camera to take 25 new photos. I took pictures in my dorm and around the campus. Then I had to upload the photos and using lightroom I was able to print them on one page.
Composition: The two photos I choose as the best are the top row of photos. The first is of the bags set my roommates dad made for us. It says Saint Xavier University with a picture of a volleyball on it and a bean bag going into the hole. I chose this photo because I think that bag set is amazing. It pretty much sums up college for me. My favorite picture of Lincoln looks like he spiked his hair. In most of the pictures Lincoln looks very similar because they were taken all around the same time. In this picture I thought he looked different.
Concept: I chose a classic profile picture of Abe Lincoln and a clock as the two photos I would mix together. By mixing these two photos I would want the message to be about time and how much things can change over time and yet be so much the same. The clock itself is contemproary compared to the photo of Lincoln. This picture of Lincoln looks exactly like a head shot would look today. I also liked that he has a beard in this picture. The clock in the picture is clearly not moving, almost as if it were stuck in time like all pictures are.