Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 14

To view my website click here


  1. Ashley,
    This comment isn't based on this post, but rather the "video bar" gadget on the side of your page. I think it's pretty darn cool!

    Concept: Give the viewers of your page more stuff to look at in addition to your art

    Craft: Using the "gadget" function on Blogger, you added this to your page

    Composition: The "video bar" was placed between the "about me" section and the "followers" section on the side of the page, where it is easy to see and access

  2. I likey!
    Craft: this blog is very organized and made to interest people! Her picture at the top is what first caught my interest and want to know more about her. She added many gadgets on the side for viewers to observe as well. I like her layout because it seems to fit with the pictures to make them stick out.

    Composition: The layout is very cool! There are many gadgets on the side such as the video bar and the best sxu viscom blogs. It shows she has a good personality and likes to watch videos. It also shows that she plays volleyball for sxu.

    Concept: This blog shows more then just information about art. It has many pictures of what shes interested in and give the viewers more stuff to look at.
